Wednesday, 24 October 2012

L2L Debate- Is the current generation better off than their parents' generation?

In our L2L Monday session last week, we had to discuss whether or not we are better off than our parents' generation. We paired off in twos and talked about both sides of the argument-the advantages of modern living, as well as the advantages of life about fifty years ago and respective disadvantages. This proved to be an interesting topic for debate, which I admit I got quite passionate about!! While the overall consensus seemed to highlight that the current generation has a much better quality of life than that of our parents approximately fifty years ago, I held a more alternative view of how there were many positive aspects to life of the past generation.
I chose to point out that as part of modern life we are a society consumed with the media and ever-increasing use of technology, whilst ignoring the more traditional aspects of life such as direct, personal communication and the simplicity of just living without being contrived by the opinions and perceptions of the media.
However, I must accept that as part of life fifty years ago, the power of religious institutions had a great influence on how people lived, especially in Ireland; a power that is not unlike how we are influenced by the never-ending bombardment from the media, through television, magazines and newspapers but to name a few.
We live in an era where everyday life is quite fast-paced, we feel the need to be constantly stimulated by our surroundings, and we have a dependence on technology to perform tasks for us with rapid speed and efficiency. As a result we have become less patient, and less appreciative of the present moment. We have become more consumed with social media at the expense of engaging in real personal interactive situations. How many of us have experienced someone texting constantly on their phones while ignoring your attempts at trying to engage in a real conversation with them? It has become a very familiar situation in our modern world. Many people, myself included, would probably have a freakout at the thought of abandoning our mobile phones for a week, or living without radio, television, or internet-modern telecommunications which we have taken very much for granted. 
As with any interesting topic, there are a lot of other areas and aspects that could be discussed, but I am trying to not to go off in a tangent! I think I did enough talking in the group discussion!

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Presentation Mindmap

Here is the mindmap I made based on the research I did on photographer Stephen Shore. I used this mindmap to help me give a short presentation on Shore last week. I based the centre of the mindmap on a photograph of a jigsaw that Shore took as part of his collection 'Uncommon Places.' I created a border around the edge in the form of a film strip, with small thumbnail sketches of several photographs in the Uncommon Places collection.


Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Presentation on Stephen Shore

As part of my L2L research project, I have been given the task of researching Stephen Shore, and presenting a mind-map based on the information I find about him. Stephen Shore is an American photographer, born in 1947, who has gained much recognition for his collection of photographs entitled 'Uncommon Places.' Shore embarked on a road trip across America, which he documented with his camera, spanning from 1973 to 1979. He recorded every day instances and situations, ranging from the petrol station he refuelled his car at, to the burger he ate at McDonalds.

Having spent several years documenting Andy Warhol's factory, from the tender age of 17, it is evident that Shore obtained an interest in pop and commercial art. His shots often contain simple graphics, in the form of signs and logos, for example at the Chevron petrol station (above).
Shore was intent on capturing the ordinary, in an extraordinary way. Like Warhol, he strove to document the ever-changing culture of modern America, and he seems to target the huge consumption of resources associated with their society and way of living.

The photograph of the filled car-park (above) seems to highlight America's dependent relationship with cars as a means of transport, as well as suggesting the vast consumption of oil and other resources by the modern world. It may also reflect Shore's own personal journey across America, in which he spent a large amount of time in his own car.

Shore also documented more enclosed, intimate instances, such as this hotel room. It depicts the sense of calm and relief felt by the individual, who presumably after a long journey, takes the opportunity to rest  and take time out from a busy world. However, the presence of the television on the wall seems to impose a little on the restful scene,  highlighting the reality that the media is a prominent part of modern American culture, and is difficult to avoid. 

 This photograph of an unmade jigsaw is one of my favourite pieces by Shore, and was the inspiration for my presentation mind-map. I think it is effective how Shore chose to capture the jigsaw in its topsy-turvy unmade state, which is probably more visually interesting than the completed puzzle would have been. His spontaneity in taking such an image is visible in the scattering of the loose jigsaw pieces which are cluttered around the table. The stark contrast between the yellow tablecloth and the light blue jigsaw pieces is aesthetically effective, and seems to imitate the enjoyable recreational activity of making a jigsaw. 

Monday, 1 October 2012

L2L Mindmap

As part of my module L2L, I have created a mindmap based on my reasons for choosing to studying Art & Design, and my aspirations for the future in this field.

I have always had a passion for art and this motivates me to learn new skills and obtain new viewpoints when studying other artists and appreciating their artworks. This desire to learn and succeed in my studies will hopefully remain with me throughout my studies.

I have an interest in Textiles in particular, and would consider taking further studies in this area. However, at this early stage I am open to anything!